Home Parent’s Corner

Parent’s Corner

Our Policy

​     At Stem4bots we believe in hands on learning to help provide students an education that excites, engages, and enriches their minds.  We hope to inspire the next generation of students by developing a passion for any of the STEM based careers at a young age and maintaining interest throughout middle and high school.    

     Each program focuses on educating students on “how things work”, learn principles and application of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), gain experience with design, problem solving and finally use this knowledge to build & program the controls of basic to complex Robotic models. They learn to build and program various controls of Robots as a team in a shared learning space.  This kind of learning help them to prepare and participate in various Robotics competitions.

 Program Fees

​     Our Fees for each class is very much competitive compared to other Robotic programs.  We have kept the price in line with any average charged by other after school programs or arts programs offered to kids between the ages of 8 to 14. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Questions:  Click Here 

If you have more questions we will be more than happy to answer.  Just send us an email at educate@stem4bots.com.